by Christine L Conroy | Apr 27, 2020 | Goal Setting, Gratitude, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Outcome Oriented, Pleasure, Relationships, Stress
Does writing a journal help with stress? YES! YES! But only if you do it this way! And it will help with your Coronavirus concerns *** Click here to subscribe. *** We are women over 50 getting happy and growing younger! COME AND JOIN US ***...
by Christine L Conroy | Apr 20, 2020 | Family, Happiness/wellbeing, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Health, Pleasure, Relationships
IF YOU THINK NAPPING IS FOR OLD PEOPLE AND BABIES…WATCH THIS! Done correctly a 15-20min daily nap will power surge your life. We are women over 50 getting happy and growing younger! COME AND JOIN US *** Click her to subscribe. ***...
by Christine L Conroy | Mar 24, 2020 | Diet, Exercise, Happiness, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivation, Pleasure, Relationships, Strengths
We are women over 50 – we can handle this. Subscribe and join a group of likeminded women who are getting happy and growing younger. *** Happy stuff and fluff FREE RESOURCES *** Free Gifts Probiotic food recipes Mary’s Nest...
by Christine L Conroy | Feb 17, 2020 | Happiness, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Pleasure
**** calling women over FORTY – please stay tuned to the end***** Sign up for our weekly newsletter here For FREE RESOURCES here *Click here for the WOMEN OVER 50 SKINCARE PLAYLIST*...
by Christine L Conroy | Feb 10, 2020 | Family, Happiness, Happy Design, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Health, Mindfulness, Pleasure, Positive Living, Relationships, Stress, WorkLife
There is more to hygge. Create a hygge lifestyle YOUR way – click the SHOW MORE button for Jo’s books. (or the little down arrow on R.H. side on your phone) Watch the ‘Don’t get S.A.D. get Hygge’ video here
by Christine L Conroy | Feb 3, 2020 | Gratitude, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Pleasure, Relationships, Values
Just chatting today – Have you seen this film? I can’t wait ****Watch ‘Considering your values’ here **** Chit chat. I’m ok. You’re ok Just wanted a chit chat with you today. You have been working hard...