BURNOUT Prevention
Women need strategies for burnout prevention and how to deal with workplace stress. Women are far more likely to experience workplace stress and forty two percent reported feeling burnout. Here are strategies to prevent and deal with burnout..
Your core values are your SUPERPOWERS
Do you know what your core values are? You may have a vague notion but you need to get clear. Having strong clear personal values can help you make sense of what’s happening in the world. Your core values are your superpowers helping you to make much better decisions. Understanding your core values helps you to discover ‘authentic self’ and to show up in the world as the person you are.
Go GREEN to help prevent cognitive decline
The benefits of trying something new are huge. Not only helping to prevent cognitive decline. Trying and learning new things give you confidence, increases positive emotion, increases your capabilities, makes you a more knowledgeable and interesting person – the list goes on. And it doesn’t have to be big things – sometimes the smallest change can have the biggest benefits.
NEW NORMAL? How to create it and SPRING forward into your better future.
What is your new normal? There has never been a better time to create your own new normal. It’s time for new beginnings.
You may have heard of positive psychology, but do you really know what it is? More importantly, do you know just how much it can help you to live a successful and flourishing life? This is not ‘self help’ it is an evidenced based, applied science that can help you live your best life.