by Christine L Conroy | Mar 4, 2021 | Courage, Goal Setting, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Motivation, Positive Living, WorkLife, workplace
EVERY WOMAN NEEDS TO READ THIS BOOK! If you have ever suffered from self doubt. If you have ever been rejected, bullied, put down or set back – This is how to believe in yourself. Be sure to watch to the end to hear my ‘news’ announcement – 1....
by Christine L Conroy | Jan 14, 2021 | Happiness, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Motivation, Positive Living, Values, WorkLife
HOW TO FIND THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF Intentional living PART TWO Website: Come over to the facebook page and like, if you like. ***If fear and worry are preventing you from living your...
by Christine L Conroy | Sep 5, 2020 | Happiness, Happy Design, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Motivation, Pleasure, Positive Mindset, Relationships, WorkLife
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU SEE WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? It really makes a difference to the rest of your day! Great book! **** THINK LIKE A MONK – Train your mind for peace and purpose every day. Jay Shetty. ***** *****If you...
by Christine L Conroy | Jul 27, 2020 | Courage, Family, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Health, Motivation, Positive Mindset, Relationships, Stress, WorkLife
So I was asked the question, ‘WHY DO MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN BECOME INVISIBLE?’ I wondered, do midlife women become invisible or are they feeling invisible? In this video we become visible. FREE RESOURCE ON SUCCESSFUL AGEING...
by Christine L Conroy | Jul 6, 2020 | Goal Setting, Happiness, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Health, Motivation, Outcome Oriented, Positive Living, Positive Mindset, Relationships, Strengths, Stress, WorkLife
CAN OPTIMISM BE LEARNED? Yes it can. Not only that, becoming a more optimistic person will make you feel better, improve your relationships and help you to live longer. If you want to know more about optimism – this book written by the founder of Positive...
by Christine L Conroy | May 4, 2020 | Goal Setting, Gratitude, Happy Stuff and Fluff, Motivation, Outcome Oriented, Relationships, Strengths, Values, WorkLife
IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS, BUILD RESILIENCE, STRENGTHEN YOUR ABILITY TO PROBLEM SOLVE. Take the VIA survey and discover your character strengths. **** If you have questions you want me to answer on the Facebook live Thurs. 7th May, 7pm (BST) 2pm (EST) send them to me at...