Forty two percent of women report feeling burned out!

Burnout prevention is urgent!!!!


The World Health Organization recognizes burnout as a form of job-related stress that is characterized by the following three symptoms:

Emotional exhaustion  (easily upset – bursting into tears – anger – irritability. ) Do you feel unshakeable low energy.

Negative feelings about work (feeling a lack of motivation and enjoyment)

Feelings of lack of achievement.  No inspiration or enthusiasm.

Can’t seem to complete on projects – don’t seem to be moving forward.  Procrastinate or do you say yes to everything and find yourself over burdened.


Do you continue to work through your lunch and continue to work when you get home?

Do you expect too much of yourself. Does everything have to be perfect?

Are there things wrong at work such as poor management – micromanagement – do you feel you have no control?

Maybe you feel everybody wants a piece of you – and you have to have ALL the answers?

DANGERS  – In the US Workplace stress leads to an estimated 120,000 deaths each year.   



Don’t be tempted to put up with the situation and just look forward to the weekend or your annual holidays –

This is your life and if you are struggling you need to do something about it. Take time out to recognize what’s happening.  Take a few days off if you can.

Here are five tips.  Actions that you must take right now if you feel you are on the verge of burnout through workplace stress:

Adopt an outcome oriented problem solving approach

Communicate to your manager/supervisor or colleagues and tell them of the approach you are taking. Speak to your friends and family and explain how you feel.

Prioritize (you might find that you are spending too much time on small things that don’t really matter.

Delegate (ask others to share the load)

Take a lunchbreak and go for a walk in nature – alone without your phone

WATCH THIS VIDEO  for further information and more tips to help you


Did you know that women are far more likely to suffer from burnout than men.  Is this because women care more? Do men have better strategies to deal with it?  What can be done in the workplace to help?

Answers welcome in the comments box below.