Small changes add up. Do not be overwhelmed by massive lifestyle changes. Achieve better living through incremental changes. Focus on tiny changes until they become habits and then move on to the next, then the next. Until you get to where you want to be.
#happystuffandfluff #habits #positiveaging
On this channel we talk about ‘getting happy, living longer and growing younger – positive aging! Longevity is important to me and exciting things are happening in this field. In addition to living longer, health and well-being must be considered. Healthy habits are important and so is personal development or self improvement. It is in our nature as human beings to want to grow. Thanks to positive psychology we now know more than ever about what makes us happy and what does not. We know that happy people live longer, have better relationships and better health. As women over 50 we also want to look the best we can – aging gracefully means different things to different people. We cover all these things and more on this channel. Come and join the conversation and subscribe – we would love to meet you.